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[江苏郦荟]南京奥体大街郦城北,江苏大剧院 的具体位置在哪?哪个区的? 要具体位置,谢谢

江苏郦荟 南京奥体大街郦城北,江苏大剧院 的具体位置在哪?哪个区的? 要具体位置,谢谢 问题补充:南京奥体大街郦城北,江苏大剧院 的具体位置在哪?哪个区的? 要具体位置,谢谢 ●江苏大剧院奥体大街与扬…


南京奥体大街郦城北,江苏大剧院 的具体位置在哪?哪个区的? 要具体位置,谢谢

问题补充:南京奥体大街郦城北,江苏大剧院 的具体位置在哪?哪个区的? 要具体位置,谢谢


●广告帖!你为什么不写 江苏完美专卖店昆山市玉山镇琦荟日用品商行电话XXXX-XXXXXXX具体地址在哪阿


●盐城荟草堂专业祛痘中心 专业治疗各种原因引起的毛孔粗大,粉刺,青春痘,暗疮,脓包,囊肿,及结节性重度痤疮【男女不限】 郑重承诺:签订包治协议,拍照为证,治不好双倍退款。地址:盐城开发区商业街兴业路104号【好人缘超市向南20米路东】电话:0515-88596353 手机:18352023667联系人:杭芳


●在这里求助大神帮忙一下耶,谢谢这个公司安全吗?+67013599:★陆柒零壹叁伍玖九6.…5.9.9【ⅧⅣⅥⅪⅡⅢⅪⅩⅨ67013599”】★ ,67013599 一起探讨下,最近时间姐妹朋友们说现在网上投资很火,今天在电脑上搜索了下,看到了这个连接网站,里面的投资收益非常可观,里面的项目跟先前投资过的那一家有点相似,不知道是不,我怕到时候把钱投资进去不给我分红,那就亏死了,毕竟之前那一家已经投好长时间了,也比较可靠,可是又想多投一家试试,不知道怎么办,所以想冒昧的问下各位网友,对于这家公司有什么看法和建议,或者有了解过这家公司的朋友麻烦您可以告知下小女,我刚了解这样的,对这种产品了解不多,还请网友帮我解答指点下,由于这边无法回复帖子,要是方便的话请麻烦您加下我QQ:67013599


●Have you skimmed over this year’s English examination paper of college entrance exams? Did you pay any attention to the composition topic? It is about the mouse as a tool featuring in the communication between human beings and the computer. Frankly speaking, at first sight of the chart given, the idea arose swiftly in my mind was the advantages and disadvantages of using a computer and internet, which we have been debating. As is pointed in the directions above the chart, mouse makes it much easier for us to operate a computer. But, it is also pointed out that “over depending on mouse” will bring some side effects. In this regard, I have thought and considered a great deal but I failed to link “depend on” and a mouse. A mouse is an essential part of a computer as it is, and we can hardly operate a computer without a mouse, even for notepads. When a computer is used, a mouse is used. There’s no parlance of “depend too much on a mouse”. It’s the same case as we Chinese have meals with chopsticks. We use them everyday and even every meal, and can we perorate that we over depend on chopsticks? No one would, I suppose. This is the first point I want to mention The second one is that the use of a mouse is quite different from getting information from web. From the model essay given, we can clearly find that the so called disadvantages of depending excessively on a mouse are nothing but the drawback of relying on the readymade information from the net. That’s incorrect. I will take the chopsticks for an example again. If we overate and became fat, can anyone contribute his fozy body to his overuse of chopsticks? I don’t think anyone would be funny enough to complain this way. Personally, I think these are two inappropriate spots in this topic. Meanwhile, I have no idea what the examinees were thinking as to the side effects of over depending on a mouse. If their way of thinking was getting around what the topic assigner tried to accomplish, they were lucky. If not, where were their thoughts flying? 还有一个结尾是 :A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier, but it doesn’t always help in a positive way. Too much ready information on our fingertips leaves little room for knowledge pursuing. Too many ready answers make us less excited in finding truth. Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and physically.


●靠,我英语也没考好,单选完型还可以,正常发挥,可是阅读太差太差,错了六个。作文其实我也不是太有底,我主要先翻译材料表格里的句子,关于自己对disadvantages of the mouse的看法,我当然写三点啊,先是a old saying goes来个谚语,说鼠标用多了可能带来手部疾病、然后what's more,写mouse阻碍手部功能开发,最后last but not least,说如果没有mouse,我们就很难操作电脑了,但是出来看所谓的那些狗P专家的点评,什么稳中创新,较好体现新课标精神,都是套话,P用没有。还说,这篇作文的隐藏含义是让人们意识到mouse阻碍了人际交往,人们因为使用mouse不再交流。你说谁能看出来,除了那些脑子二极管短路又进水的专家。我也是今年考生,借你的问题说说心里话。同时鄙视楼上那位,你知不知道考生心里有多急啊,你跑江苏招生网上复制粘贴什么玩意糊弄我们干嘛?骗分也不是这么骗的!







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